Man forbids poor old mother from seeing newborn grandson even though she walked for hours – Story of the day

Amelia wanted to meet her newborn grandson, but since her son, Mark, wouldn’t come pick her up, she decided to walk to his house. It took her hours because she was using a walking frame. But when she arrived at Mark’s house, he barred her from entering, and something shocking happened.

“I can’t come get you, Mom. I have to run some errands for Camilla, and other people will be coming. We’ll set up a time for you to see the baby,” Mark told his mother, Amelia, over the phone. She was supposed to come see their newborn for the first time, and he had to pick her up because her house was far away.

“Are you sure? It’s a pretty quick drive,” Amelia almost pleaded. She really wanted to meet her grandson.

“Another time, Mom. I have to go.” He hung up and Amelia sat down on her couch with a huge sigh.

“I don’t care what you brought! I don’t want you here right now. You have to leave immediately!”

She was worried about Mark’s attitude lately. It seemed like he’d drifted away from her. To be honest, it started when he married Camilla.

Camilla came from an extremely wealthy family in Connecticut, while Amelia raised Mark as a single mother with the help of his grandmother. They never had much except tons of love. But now, her son has everything. Camilla’s parents gave them a huge house after they ran away, and he lived the high life.

Since then, Amelia felt excluded, as if he was ashamed of his origins, even if he never said it frankly.

“You’re an idiot,” she often told herself when she thought about it. “Mark is just busy. Now they have a baby and a million things to do. He’ll come for you another time.”

But she had a sudden idea. She could walk to his house. It might be difficult, but she could do it. The bus lines didn’t go to his house, and she couldn’t afford a bus, so walking was her only option.

She finally arrives at his house and rings the doorbell. | Source: Pexels

She finally arrives at his house and rings the doorbell. | Source: Pexels

Amelia pulls herself up with her walker and grabs her purse and a bag she had packed for the day. She hooks them securely to the walker and begins her journey. It’s slow, and even though she can lean on the walker, it’s hard for her.

She had to stop several times along the way, and before she knew it, two hours had passed. Three. Four. Finally, she arrived at his house, heavily lifted but happy to have made it despite her difficulty walking.

After ringing the doorbell, she took the special bag because she wanted Mark to open it right away. But when he opened the door, his face fell.

“Mom?” he said, shocked. “What are you doing here?”

Amelia didn’t understand his expression and was almost frowning, but she was excited to be there and that’s what she focused on. “Surprise!” she said, trying to sound enthusiastic even though she was tired, hungry, and worried about her attitude.

Mark stepped out, closing the door behind him and forcing her to take several steps back with her walker. “What are you doing, Mark?” she asked, frowning.

“Mom! I told you you’d meet the baby another time. You can’t go in now!” he scolded her, his face crumpled with anger.

Mark was angry and told him to leave, closing the door in his face. | Source: Pexels

Mark was angry and told him to leave, closing the door in his face. | Source: Pexels

“I don’t understand. Why are you angry? I just walked almost five hours to see my grandson, Mark, and I brought…”

“I don’t care what you brought! I don’t want you here right now. You have to leave immediately! You’ll meet Hans another day, okay? Please leave now!” he demanded, looking behind him as if afraid someone would see them. He opened the door and went back inside, slamming it in her face and leaving her outside with her things.

Amelia is shocked. Tears are welling up in her eyes. He didn’t even ask her if she was okay, even though she had just told him she had walked for five hours to get here. He knew she had mobility issues.

But she doesn’t want to cause any more trouble, so she starts to turn around, then she remembers the bag she’s holding. She’s decided to leave it on his doorstep, hoping he’ll find it later.

Amelia began walking home, ready to face the long, tiring hours ahead. Luckily, her neighbor, Mrs. Cassavetes, saw her and gave her a lift in her old car. When she arrived home, her legs gave out as soon as she closed the front door. She sat down on the couch, and that’s when she noticed her legs were inflamed.

Mark finally found the bag Amelia had left on his doorstep. | Source: Pexels

Mark finally found the bag Amelia had left on his doorstep. | Source: Pexels

After resting, she managed to get up, get some ice, and take a pain reliever. But in the end, she had to sleep on the couch because her room seemed too far away.


Meanwhile, Mark said goodbye to his guests that evening, waving them through the front door. The day had been eventful with many visitors, and it was finally over. He hunched his shoulders, thinking about his actions that day.

His mother had walked to his house from her own house, he thought guiltily, then shook his head, convincing himself it wasn’t her fault.

“She shouldn’t have done that,” he muttered to himself. Turning around, he noticed the bag on the floor. He picked it up and saw a label that read “From Grandma.”

Mark bit his lip, thinking his mother had left him there and gone home. He opened the bag and realized what was inside. They were old toys from his childhood. There was never much at his house, but these things were still precious to him. They still are. He couldn’t help but start to cry.

Camilla saw him outside and became worried. “What’s wrong, darling?”

He went to her house and let himself in with her set of keys. | Source: Pexels

He went to her house and let himself in with her set of keys. | Source: Pexels

“I did something horrible to my mother,” he yelled, and his wife hugged him. He revealed everything he had done, including that he had started to distance himself from his family because they were all poor and he felt ashamed. “I can’t believe I was so horrible to her!”

After his wife comforted him, Mark decided to immediately go to his mother’s house with a profuse apology. He still had his house keys in case of an emergency, so when he arrived, he decided not to ring the doorbell and simply use them to let himself in. But he was greeted by the sight of his mother passed out on the couch with cold packs on her legs.

“Mom,” he whispers, gently waking her.

“Mark, what are you doing here?” she said, staggering and trying to get up, but he stopped her.

“Don’t move,” he said, and lifted his mother as if she weighed nothing, moving her to her room. He added ice to her cold packs and helped her apply them to her swollen legs. He also made her something to eat, and they drank tea together. Then he apologized for his behavior and told her the truth.

Amelia moved in with them and helped them with Hans. | Source: Pexels

Amelia moved in with them and helped them with Hans. | Source: Pexels

Luckily, his mother was the most fantastic person in the world. “I had a feeling you were ashamed, but I’m glad you came right away to apologize. That’s what I taught you. When you do something wrong, you have to make it right,” Amelia reassured him, and Mark cried in her arms for a while.

He stayed with her all night, and thankfully, her legs were much better. The next morning, they decided to go to his house so she could meet her new baby, Hans.

Camilla also apologized because she had no idea what Mark had done, but she should have asked why Amelia wasn’t there. They had a wonderful day together, and Amelia gave Camilla tons of baby advice.

Eventually, Mark asked his mother to move in with them because they had a big house and he didn’t want her to be all alone so far away.

What can we learn from this story?

  • Never be ashamed of your parents . Mark was embarrassed by his background and tried to hide it from Camilla’s family, hurting his mother. He later regretted it.
  • It’s best to fix things when you realize you’ve made a mistake . Mark immediately tried to fix things after realizing his horrible mistake against his mother. Fortunately, she quickly forgave him.

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If you liked this story, check out this one about a rich man who brings a poor woman and her baby to his home, she recognizes the man’s mother as a woman from her past.

This story is inspired by one of our readers’ stories and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to real names or places is purely coincidental. All images are used for illustrative purposes only. Share your story with us; it might just change someone’s life. If you’d like to share your story, email us at

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